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Responsible Reserves

Event 2: Open discussion.

Updated: Jan 15, 2020

Is it possible for resource extraction to be responsible?

Open discussion to which all interested parties are invited.

22nd January 8.30 - 10am.

Central London (UK) venue (please contact us for more details if you are interested).

Purpose:  Determine if updating the definition of an “ore reserve” to include the need for it to be extracted responsibly as well as economically is useful and possible (see concept)?

Format:  Face to face roundtable with dial in.

Draft agenda:  

  • 15 min introductions (quick name and institution / organisation)

  • 10 min description of the concept including a recap of what an ore reserve is and how it is ‘governed’ including outcomes from the geoscientist roundtable held on 9th Jan.

  • 20 min discussion on how different stakeholders currently measure “responsibility” / ESG / Sustainability / CSR + how effective this is deemed to be.

  • 20 min discussion on the potential for using an updated version of “reserves” to serve as the indicator of responsibility in a mining project – pros and cons. 

  • 25 mins final thoughts and comments from the group as a whole culminating in next steps.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact

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